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The documentation of this project is not yet 100%.
Currently available is the JavaDocs.

How to import more modules ?

Installing a module is very easy.
First download the jar-file of the Module you want.
Then, you copy this file to:
- on linux: /home/zoeloeboeloe/.zoeloesoft/jnotepad/modules/
- on windows xp: C:\Documents and Settings\zoeloeboeloe\.zoeloesoft/jnotepad/modules/

How to write your own modules ?

Every module needs to be in a jar-file.
The Manifest Main-class has to point to the Module main class.
The Module main class has to implement the Module interface.

Currently available Modules :


This module gives the ability to open and save to a textfile or to an rtf-file.
When it saves or opens a file, it sets a property in the textPane for other modules to know which file is open.
textPane.getStyledDocument().putProperty("fileName", currentFile.getAbsolutePath());


This module gives the user the possibility to change tha font and color of a part or the entire text.

Tim Eeckhaut